if you have jane tim and jane tim mondays, i might come up as a match. our birthdays are the same. you know how many john smith's names are on voter roles? quite a few. you worry about that da da that after it gets sent out. >> trying to shore up our voting process, make sure it's secure, certainly is something every american can agree is a good thing. i guesspy questions is, did this commission kind of bungle it. the rollout in reaping out to the states the way that it did? >> you know i think time will tell whether or not they bungled it or not. >> all these states saying we aren't going to turn over our information. >> you have to be careful, 46 may partially comply. you may see names and birth dates going out. there will be data. it is not every state. with a fair amount of blue states saying they will not release this data, but i think what's superimportant here is, yes, voter integrity sounds great and important. we all want our elections to be absolutely secure. but we see almost no evidence in comprehensive reviews of our ballots, we see no evidence of fraud they are lookin