joining me to discuss this are tory dunnan and jane velez-mitchell. tory, i want to start with you.hat would this proposed law do? >> john, first of all, it is really important to put all of this into perspective. note the fact that seaworld does have this major presence in san diego california. let's talk about what this would do. to would reportedly prevent seaworld from using killer whales in shows. that's the big headline, as well as potentially ban captive breeding. reports are that bloom was, indeed, moved into action after watching the documentary black fish. seaworld had dubbed this all as prob begpropaganda. i reached out to seaworld and the spokesman tells me they haven't seen the specifics of the legislation yet. once they do, they plan to issue a response a little bit later on in the day. >> we know there is a lot of legislation that gets to the table. any sense this has a real chance of passing. >> john, it has really been called a bold proposal at this point. i mentioned sort of the impact seaworld has in san diego, california. we have got to wait to hear what this sta