you know, meanwhile, jay -- jane weinman is about to collect an academy award. so that was that period. i don't think he ever would have filed for divorce himself. he just wouldn't have -- however desperately unhappy he may have been in that marriage. i don't know how unhappy that was. he never would have asked for a divorce. she did. i think she was moving on with her career. saw him maybe as a liability even at this point. hollywood is like that. you know, i don't want to be hanging out with somebody who is lower on the totem pole than me. that kind of thing. even if i'm married and have had children with them. i don't want to do that. i think that was -- you know, anyway. that's pretty all i have to say about that marriage. anybody else? >> we have time for one or two more. >> okay. >> obviously your mother loved your dad dearly. is it on? >> yes. you are on now. >> obviously your mother loved your dad dearly. she was portrayed always as being somewhat of a strong person. what influence did your mom have on your dad? would she as far as his decision s on her