i was wondering who janel kaywood was. >> yes. thanks for having me tonight.look forward to the implementation. we're thrilled. >> president cohen: all right. thank you very much. now, janel, are you the subject matter expert on this topic? >> i certainly worked on it. most of the revisions that d.p.a. had occurred in 2020 when samuel marion so it's been an 18-month collaboration between various d.p.a. personnel, sfpd and the commission in particular your vice president elias. we're thrilled about it. >> president cohen: all right. i appreciate your humbleness, sounds like the answer is 'yes' you are the subject matter expert. very good. colleagues, i want to pivot to commissioner elias to see if she's got any parting thoughts to put this to bed. >> vice president elias: i think we've talked all about it. i think like the chief said, this change really is going to help us capture more information and really get us get a better picture of these uses of force that are occurring when, how, why and so it's going to give us a better picture and by doing that, it's