next my co-anchor, janel slade a two-time montana broadcaster of the year. she spent a few years on the dark side in communications and public relations. we welcome her back a couple of years ago. that is all panel tonight. i get the first question. we have one hour. john lewis, we flipped coins. you get the first question. as we speak, congress has an 8% approval rating. the calling card of congress is partisan gridlock. this is a do-nothing congress prayed why do you want to join this esteemed group? what do you bring to the table to change this culture that has our country stuck on hold? >> thank you. i want to thank montana new stations for hosting this debate. when i first got in this race i gave a speech, one of the earliest events i did, and i talk about my past experiences and things i learned while working on legislation while trying to help veterans. experiences i had fighting for montanans. someone said i respect your past experiences but i am interested in the future. ideas you have to get congress working for montana. how you are going to be par