so let's welcome today, this is janell hampton. janell is the mother of three and a grandmother of 7. janell, how many times did you wash your miracle bamboo pillow? jeni, i washed it thirty times. thirty times! now look at this. it still feels firm, soft, it looks like new there's hardly any difference. did you dry your miracle bamboo pillow? yes thirty times in the dryer. you washed it thirty times and you dried it thirty times? okay. we're now going to compare it to a brand new pillow so if you put your pillow and we do a comparison side by side you can hardly tell the difference and this one was washed 30 times. folks, that is true durability. how many times have you washed a pillow and it all goes to one's a ball, you have to throw it away? you can actually wash and dry the miracle bamboo pillow and it will come right back to its' shape. i think everyone needs a miracle bamboo pillow because you can wash it and dry it without it falling apart. it washes up real easy it dries; it comes out as good as when it went in. t