. >> good afternoon, i'm janelle sorensen, city club member. i'm one of those many people who's concerned about health care that you mentioned earlier. many of us who deal with seniors and people with disabilities are concerned about the severity of proposed cuts to programs, especially home health care, which would drastically affect our seniors and people with disabilities. aarp oregon suggested $100 million and far less damaging cuts on its website saveoregonseniors.org. i'm wondering if you would consider those changes. >> well, the -- i can't argue with anything you've said. having taken care of both of my parents in the last few months of their lives, bathing them, feeding them, i understand the important role that home health workers play in our system. i also believe that home health workers and community health workers will be the backbone of a new delivery model that keeps people with chronic illnesses in their home and not in the hospital. the reality is, we have a very difficult budget and we have chronic unemployment at 9%. we've g