'd everyone at 6 o'clock in the morning janet darrelle gives everyone a wake up call and they don't look particularly well rested my mind martha. it's not real on this situation to say they're saving them being on the street but this is not as safe as being in their home with their family so it just gives them a little bit more reality of living in the environment does on your body so by tonight takes about 24 hours to really start getting the idea that. this this could be really. for the next stage of the program the participants are a little loose in the city center their task is to find something to eat on their own and without any money. you can smell the food. so. to me. said i asked the sky. to take the city but at this time. in waco like in many other cities in the united states begging is a punishable offense it's also forbidden to rummage through the garbage cans there's no food in there. they are owned by the city and reclaiming anything at all is considered stealing in order to survive the homeless in waco are therefore forced to break the law and our 2 participants are not go