conversations about how she could get involved and one of the most powerful things i've ever seen, janet decidingak to testify in front f the kentucky general assembly and go on news media and tell anyone and k everyone that would about her story and experience and why it mattered and why things needed to change, and so as a result of that a bill passed through the kentucky general assembly and was signed into law by the governor and it was calledhr janet's law and it was named after her and to this day the thing she's most proud of in the world and i'm so proud to have t been able to watch her transform the system that had taken advantage of her and so i want to read you a little bit of an excerpt about janet and janet's law. my experience with janet was a powerful reminder about the importance of telling women's stories, her voice led to tangible changes in the state law. because of her bravery other women's laws will be better and each one is just that, a win, and each win is a reminder that things can change. these wins are also a reminder that the people who have been victimized by a spouse or