. >> reporter: among the partiers, janet gomez, one of kenia's closest friends. she loved to have fun. >> yeah, she loved to have fun. >> reporter: underage fun. no trouble sneaking in. they charmed the bouncers, flashed fake i.d.s. kenia and her crew had a kind of unwritten safety rule. go together and leave together. look out for each other. but on this particular night things didn't go as planned. >> we had planned to meet at lavish. we went in there, and she wasn't in there. >> reporter: kenia had gotten a ride downtown with two other girls she didn't know very well. her plan was to meet janet and some other friends at lavish, but she didn't show up. >> i started texting her, and no response. and i called her three times. nothing. >> reporter: what janet didn't know is that kenia and the two other girls couldn't get into the club. the bouncers weren't buying their fake i.d. cards. so they went to another club nearby, even took a few pictures. but they didn't tell anyone they were there. >> and i sent her the last message about 11:30, and nothing. >> reporter: