--on't know if janet henry and state of the consumer. and will be could do is handle inflation. e be here this year? janet: it is picking up more than just energy prices. for the first time in a long time we have revised up our inflation numbers he for energy. we haven't touched the underlying inflation, it is still up fairly weak. and on the consumer story, this is a polarization story. higher income growth of higher skilled workers who continue to grow more quickly than the lower skilled workers so there is more with energy. so it is being squeezed even more by the rise in energy prices than that of other earners so they have had to lower savings rates even more. francine: is there going to be a huge upswing with treasuries? if it does, what does that mean for the u.s. economy? janet: well, the view of our fixed-income strategist is that we are placed for a near-term peak of the treasury, a bit like last year. we see it peeking out by the end of the first quarter and then going back into their range of 2.2%-2.6%. the 10 year about rate, it is and what will happen to inflation i