now, the end product of signing bands like the rolling stones and genesis and janet jackson and the likew, where i got my satisfaction. i got my satisfaction from creating a great record company that i was proud of but if i'd actually gone into because i thought i was going to make good money, i don't think i would have made a penny. >> jack canfield: i think starting your own business is really a powerful, powerful thing 'cause it says, "i have a dream and i'm now going to be build structure around that dream to support that dream" and it's one of the most powerful ways to empower yourself is to do that. >> t. harv eker: one step in the right direction is worth 100 years of thinking about it. >> marci shimoff: the time that we have all been waiting for is right now. we're hearing about the importance of becoming more awake, more conscious, more empowered in our own lives and not just going through the routine of life and not being a victim of life. >> russell simons: so anything you imagine is true already if you have that faith but if not, then it takes us mere mortals work and dedicat