was an actress and a model and a hush it up and wanted everybody to think it was janet leigh. in one year this forgotten woman, i heard first of all that she was dead. she had been murdered via a serial killer. i got to give credit. and she was cover of playboy, she was in francis ford--'s first movie, she was in the most famous scene in a horror movie in psycho, she was one of the first ten bunnies in chicago, she rode stallions with steve mcqueen. great store. i'm writing this book and they're always time-consuming and wasn't as personally involved so was not a successful book but it was a great story and a great woman. i'm finding little clues that may be somebody else was killed in her place, i was in alfred hitchcock's shower in psycho so i went to the high school and they had gotten all together in las vegas and there was no date that there is a remark -- on a wednesday i figured out she is alive. i had been asking everywhere about her so i am sitting at my desk saying she has to be alive. i have written a book about a woman killed by a serial killer and she moved to the