janet murguia talks about the immigration debate in florida and the role of hispanics in florida. and todd harrison reviews cuts planned for the navy. "washington journal <," >> said to be intolerant of a handful of people can harden up against me to change. it prefers the very spirit of america. i saw a bit when governor rockefeller was shot down. i sell in minneapolis when governor wallace was heckled into silence. it happened to me in philadelphia. we must give notice to be violent few. they are willing to sacrifice for change. the what to do it without being threatened. they are the non-violent majority. and they are for change without violence. these are the people whose voice i want to be. >> we look back at 40 many ran for the office and lost. to go to our website www.q-an- cspan.org/thecontenders. >> when they arrived, there is nothing here. they built their timely cavan's. they did it would neighbors helping one another, not federal grants. they wanted to practice this. after 200 years, too many of us take this privilege for granted. >> british prime minister david camero