janet olson is the director of natally's house, devoted to helping girls get a new lease on life. >> every child has a right to a afe place to be at night. and we wanted to create it. we have them learning to ride horses, and crafts and going on lots of outings, and things to help them feel good about themselves. seen what a difference janet is making. she knows it's not easy, especially with limited funds and an old van that barely runs. >> her no. 1 priority is the girls. if that means digging into her own pocket, she does that over and over again >> you know that you have impressed me so much with the work you do with your girls. and i reached out to channel 5 pay it forward. and is they came through for her. >> oh, my goodness. >> and i am here to give you $500. [ laughter ] >> i can't believe it! [ cheering and applause ] [ laughter ] >> thank you so much for everything you do for the girls. being proud of themselves, and succeeding in life and being happy. >> a go fund me page has been raised to help her buy that new van they need. if you want to nominate someone, head to our w