green new deal proposal, with competitive enterprise institute myron e bell, and greenpeace usa janet redman. we will talk about the state of military housing, with shelley campbell of the military family advisory network. be sure to watch c-span washington journal, live at seven eastern friday morning. during the discussion. >> coming up live, friday, syndicated columnist george will talks about presidential authority. in the role of congress in light of president trump's recent national emergency declaration. that's live at 12:20 pm on c- span. later in the day, massachusetts senator and 2020 presidential candidate elizabeth warren will speak at a democratic party dinner in new hampshire. on c-span two, politico is hosting its 9th annual state solutions conference, with governors from across the country. who are in washington dc for their winter meeting. that gets underway at 9 am eastern. 2019 marks the 4th anniversary of the forced migration of africans to the virginia colony. the association's african- american life and history, hosted their 93rd annual black history luncheon. they expl