equal opportunity and leveling the playing field he also served as deputy attorney general under janet reiskin with the task force. he was special council to the late senator edward kennedy as a civilize revoke and he served as secretary of labor licensing and regulations for the state of madagascar he resides with his wife and which were i was born in buffalo new york he graduated from brown university where on saturday, he delivered the com mention time speaking speech all of these make him an amazing secretary of labor a great boss we're sad at his dispatch from his old office but happy to have him here please welcome secretary tom >> (clapping) >> good afternoon san francisco it is great to be here thank you for your kind words it's an honor to be here in the presence of so many important people all of you are important i really enjoyed meeting the rosaries we'll talk them more but nancy pelosi thank you. i know a few people in america is that have not done more for americans than you so thank you for your work (clapping) and again to all our elected officials and have mayor thank you for