and, janeth, you came here with your you talk about your experience coming to the u.s. and maybe some of the services that they've sought throughout the years, or you have sought? >> of course, yeah. so i came to the u.s. when i was about six years old... >> okay. >> ...with my parents and my three siblings, and yeah, it was a complete culture shock, right? my parents brought us here for a better future. from a personal standpoint, i just have to say that, having the support from organizations and my school and mentors and people who believed in me, really made a big difference in my life. i mean, i can't imagine being where i am today. you know, i graduated from mills college. i got my mba from mills college. and i don't think that would've been possible without the support that i received from these organizations, these people. you know, individuals but also organizations that know how to provide the knowledge and the resources that i needed. >> anna... well, all of you guys are connected. i know you guys have worked