last night, cbs news talked with bryant and his mother, janetta, she's the one who wrote the song.ow it's going to be in the future and make it worse or make it better. to my generation right now, the young people, just keep your head up, don't be afraid to speak up and just trust in god. >> well, the video of his song has had more than 1.5 million views on instagram. from black eyed peas picked it up, he's made a video and wrapped over it. and lupita nyong'o said it best when she said he should not even ever have to sing a song like this. that's how i feel about that, too. anthony? >> yeah. showed up all over my social media last night, gayle. it is so powerful and so beautifully done. >> it is. >> i agree. >>> here's my "talk of the table." as you recall, norah o'donnell challenged us, our colleague norah, challenged us to do something good for people helping fight the coronavirus. so this week, i joined the amazing folks at god's love we deliver. that's a new york charity that prepares and delivers free meals to people too sick to cook or shop for themselves. i spent a