(janey place) she uses her sexuality to get what she's after.nd what she's after is not the man in the picture. he's another tool. what she's after is something for herself. the spider woman of film noir is identified in obvious ways. first, through her sexuality. they tend to be characters with long hair, tight clothes. (janey place) long fingernails that are actually composed as claws. they often smoke, which has always been the sign of the woman of loose morals. you have examples of women controlling the composition by being shot in low angle and then cut to a shot of a man shot from high angle, so they have visual dominance. the classic femme fatale to me is a woman that's getting the man into bed and then into trouble. (marie windsor) and i loved playing them because that's the character that people never forget. they love to hate me. what do you want? what are you waiting to see? what kind of a man you are, what you really are. try it on your own man. i'm trying you. (marie windsor) they also referred to my eyes as "bedroom" eyes. and that