and janice joplin saying hey, man, i want to live super hyper most. i want to do is just basically be like my parents and sit and die in front set.television so they're really pushing back and st the kind of safety security, comfort, they're not that at all. because of the suburbs that they grew up in, where there wasn't a of excitement. so they're reacting to what they deficit in venture american culture. 50 the assassination of the s, mlk, jfk, robert kennedy, the vietnam war, how much did events play into this movement. >> kind of challenges that americans thought was going to be their birthright. war in vietnam in particular, opened the questions in the united states. violence of great leaders being struck down in the prime of their lives. think, maybe e american society isn't what we thought it was going to be. and maybe it's time to challenge assumptions that lay behind it. so, yeah, the counterculture is premises inking the based on violence and some of hypocrisy inherent in the american dream. the u've been focusing on feminist movement in thi