i love janice shelton and always will. madam president, i would ask that there be a break in the record now while i talk about other matters. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: just a few days ago last thursday our great nation which witnessed another tragedy. preparing these remarks, we were trying to come up with what we should say. tragedy? tragedy doesn't quite convey how horrible that mass killing was in oregon. once again a young man was able to take guns and end the lives of innocent people. nine men and women woke up thursday morning all to attend umpqua community college, but they were assaulted and killed and demented, sadistic killing rirt -- ritual. trefn taylor hunchback, age 20. rebecca ann clark, age 18. quinn cooper age 18. kin saltmarsh deitz, 59 years old. jason johnson 34. lawrence lef vine 57. all victims of a deranged gunman's murderous attack. mr. president, our hearts are broken for the families and loved ones, the victims, and for this whole community of roseburg. a broken heart rea