(sot: janna herron, mortgage analyst, bankrate.com) "not many people get that. i know people who go into their closing pretty much saying i don't know what the total is gonna be. i have an estimate." billions have been spent changing software for the new rules--from the consumer financial protection bureau. (sot: janna herron, mortgage analyst, bankrate.com) "the cfpb has spent three years trying to figure out how to do these documents and they had focus groups within english and spanish and what they came away with is that people really liked being able to see how much they paid over those first five years and the total cost and the equity." and as lenders adjust to the new disclosures...the process of closing might be slightly delayed. so you might want to think ahead. (sot: janna herron, mortgage analyst, bankrate.com) "i would recommend maybe talking with your lender to see if they think its a good idea for you to extend the rate lock a week or two weeks after the scheduled closing date." >> that was lynda baquero when we come back... adding an animal to you