. -- januaryue by 12 20. obama cares about health insurance. nail in thethe coffin of the constitutional system. it is an attack on the commerce clause. the purpose was to promote commerce between the states. not to kill commerce. not to go competition. that is the commerce clause. to promote private property rights. other on blocking each the rivers. the commerce clause was pro- trade, pro-commerce. the notion that the commerce clause can be used congress to compel individuals to do something against their will, in particular to force people to enter into a private contract with a private company, forced offers a policy doesn't want to offer, and the individual is forced pay for it, and the companies perforce provided. that is absurd. as all of you know, that will be the end. then the government can force us to do all kinds of things we don't want to do. mark levin will take your calls and questions in depth 5'3" our starting at 3:00 eastern. read the book and join the conversation. created by america's cable companies in 1979. brought to as a