intersection of vanness and geary to the smaller businesses and the medium sized businesses in the japantown area, the fillmore, all those folks who will be able to be confident that we have safe and accessible routes to essential transit services for the commuters again and everybody who relies on this important line. so i just want to thank everyone for your hard work, your collaboration. mayor breed, thank you. especially when you were on the board of supervisors to challenging us to really work with the community to ensure that we were listening to them, whether it was the laguna stop, whether it was the western street bridge, whether it was making sure that we were maintaining access for everyone and preserving as much parking as we were. i think we were able to maintain 95% of the parking along the corridor. these are really important features that we can ensure a complete project. we were even able to ensure north-south travel and integrate the masonic project. so i thank all the agencies and p.u.c. now. we're really going to be able to upgrade the p.u.c. infrastructure. we were able to pr