today were joined by jo ling kent and jared guy randolph.what is going on at starbucks? that company islsoicking on the goverent shut dow. starbucks took out as the -- ads in major papers promoting three. it pushes for lmakers to compromise on the budget and reopen the government. free coffee. encouraging lawmakers to come together. and ifhat was not enoh, one washington d.c. starbucks is collecting cash for furloughed workers. some may say it is nice for starbucks ceo howar schultz ys show his support, but critics argue he should stay out of politics and stick to making ffee. >> this is something he has done before, 2011, but to bickering. it will be a liitle bit less effective because last time the city will affect the politicians more directly, but we a talking about it. a great advertisement for @%arbucks. it makes people feel good about starbucks which is corporate. cotantly being fought. thiss good for us. >>o discover they're using the dive from the crushed red beetles and south america. we interviewed. what are you doing? >> he keeps