his son, 40 year old jared norman, lived with 30 year old mariah king. the female found hanging at the residence. mariah, one of seven children beloved by her family. >> she was bubbly. she was loud. she was boisterous. she was the life of the party. she was part of the glue that held our family together. >> she was a little mama. >> yeah. >> very much. >> mariah and jared shared this house in sweet home, oregon. land of rivers, lakes and the majestic cascade mountains. when authorities showed up soon after the 911 call, all hands were on deck. >> once officers arrived on scene, medics from sweet home fire also arrived at the same time and started interventions on mariah, cpr, breathing, intubation, etc. >> they tried everything, but it was no use. mariah was gone. >> the medical examiner arrived shortly after that and while they were examining the scene with the patrol officers, they started to feel like this wasn't really what it was initially reported to be, which was a suicide. >> mariah and jared met in the summer of 2021 and fell hard for each othe