with that family but jasmine dawson is the contact person. we're actually encouraging that we keep these meetings overarching in terms of the planning piece for san francisco but then all the confidence one on one contact that it happen independent from this setting. because it is bound by confidentiality agreements. the service providers are the ones that know the families in depth and they are invited to our meetings to give information in a confidential way but also to link up to the rest of the constituents that are there. in terms of outcome, we are going to be tracking outcome and one big piece that's part of these meetings is organizing community events that really respond to some of the issues going on. currently right now with the 6 incidents that we have responded to, these are some of the outcomes that we have so far. these are the areas that were impacted in october through november up to date since i've been appointed to this position we've started these meetings and these are the homicides that have impacted san francisco, we've