. >> inside, jason alexander's character has a habit of telling a funny joke and said that's it, i'm go out on top. tax reform, given what they have out lined, tax reform may be as good as it gets for the head of the congressional wing of the republican party with two more years of donald trump in the white house. i will remind people after 2018, it's a 50-50 shot that paul ryan has a speakership to lead. some n some ways it's saying i thought about retiring before we lost congress. after alabama and the 2017 elections in virginia, after you have polling that suggesting a random democrat and 15 points ahead of a random republican that suggests which way the wind is blowing, there may not be that job for him to lead. it's a job that never really wanted because his kids are getting older, but not college age yet. one other thing, if he wants to run for president, being the speaker of the house is not necessarily your best bet to do that. i wrote at the top, i didn't think it was the smartest move for him to take the speaker respect. it's a hard and fractured job for the party. >> he is