what are you going to do about jason anderson in my district who saw his premium double?o about the woman who for 37 years has paid for the family policy, this year again her premium will go up $2,000 a year. and her deductible will triple. she can't afford it. >> for those stories there are a lot of other stories, heart-breaking stories as well where people who had no health insurance now for the first time in their lives they do have health insurance. >> wolf, even the government says when all is said and done and the government takes over health insurance, 30 million americans will still be without health insurance. >> better than 50 million. >> we weren't at 50. >> we were pretty close. >> that's also included illegal aliens. if you ask americans, they don't believe that it's the job of the taxpayer to pay for the health insurance subsidy for illegal aliens. >> in this new gallup poll that is just out do you approve or disapprove of the health care law? august 41% approved, now up to 44%. there's a slight improvement. people are beginning to like it a little bit more.