barry: bill who paid for the girl's abortion? the state of washington. jasonthe saddest thing about what is going on in washington is it discourages young people like me from running for office. you might be able to improve the country that's the calculation. ryan: bill, did it upset you that steve doocy left the set during the news quiz? did steve leave, i didn't notice. pedro: bill, i nominate doocy as a pinhead for walking out on you and martha. forget me walking out on martha, certainly a pinheaded move. you just announced glenn beck is next and my daughter says i love glenn beck much smarter than o'reilly. how old is the tyke, three? after watching the beck and call segment my 6-year-old said glenn beck is funny but bill o'reilly is the real deal. brilliant boy! bill aren't there times when you want to adopt glenn beck, just pinch him on the cheek? no. those times never exist. and if it ever happens it will signify the end of the world as we know it. joyce: mr. o'reilly your segments with glenn beck make me laugh, but also make me think. jason: i'm 12 and