>> yeah. >> reporter: there's one more thing jason clums apparently didn't have the power to stop. >>he ghost of gsa present. let's take a look at you in action. >> reporter: last year's holiday video contest. >> i'm the ghost of gsa past. ♪ it's another team-building exercise. the team that came up with the most creative video about efficiency in the gsa would win an ice cream social. all of what you are seeing was written produced, acted, taped and edited on federal government time. >> were these videos that would make people better employees? improve the systems? improve the efficiencies of the office? >> no, they were just for -- see how cute they could be would be my estimation. ♪ >> reporter: gsa employees used to be able to watch the videos online, but when the news broke about that spending scandal in las vegas, that's when the holiday videos disappeared. clumb, who says he didn't know about the cooking classes couldn't use the same excuse when it came to the holiday videos. >> i was one of the judges. again, that was part of a culture that was -- it was pretty common througho