. >> bishop's cell mate, jason davis, is serving a 17-year sentence for attempted murder. >> two peoplee in to rob me, and i shot them both, one with a .9 millimeter, one with a bow and arrow in the gut. in the state of tennessee you cannot shoot people regardless, in your house, on your property, anything. they come to rob you, they say to run, call the law, whatever. you cannot defend yourself in the state of tennessee no more. >> but at the time davis was on an eight-day high from methamphetamine and didn't realize the intruders were actually his friends. >> once you're up that long on a drug you actually hallucinate. when they came in, i have friends running in and out of this house all the time. it was a bachelor house. you know what i'm saying? basically i thought they came to rob me. i done run them off once that day. when they came back, i thought they was trying to get me. that's the kind of person i was on the street. if i thought you was trying to get me, i was going to get you first. >> i've known him for over a year. that's my buddy right there. i haven't had any problems.