. >> when it came time for his interview, sky's cellie, jason davis, expressed reservations. >> kindwith a camera pointing right in your face, you know what i'm saying. they say it adds ten pounds to you. >> he's worried about the camera adding ten pounds? >> no, just messing with you. just joking. trying to make a laugh. >> jason and sky were a real team. these guys were playing cards, smoking cigarettes. i think it was their way to survive. he's got his back, the other guy's got his, and that's the way they made it work. >> lonely days in brushy mountain. >> both men conceded drug use played a part in putting them in prison. bishop's aggravated assault conviction began with an argument over a parking space at a mall. >> he was smart mouthing my girlfriend, so i got into a fight with the guy, ended up stabbing him and then running his buddy off the road, off the interstate. i got six years for it. >> davis has a 17-year sentence for attempted murder but claims he was only defending himself. >> two people come in to rob me, i shot them both. i shot one with a gun, shot one with a bow