learn how abbvie could help you save on ubrelvy. >> we're back with the search for fugitive jason derek brown the former mormon missionary is on the run accused of a brutal armored truck robbery turned murder in phoenix, arizona. >> jason brown ruined everythin. he ruined our happy little life. >> jason brown had been a face on the fbi's most wanted list for years, accused of firing six bullets into robert palomares, an armored transport worker. police say the alleged killer got away with $56,000, but stole much more from robert's family. >> jason derek brown didn't just take a life. he took my world. my family's world. he took the gift of seeing me graduate from college to see his first nephew. my kids don't have an uncle. my mom lost all hope. the family split up. he was the glue. >> police say jason brown was living the high life on low level cons. but his lifestyle had careened out of control. >> he wanted to buy the rounds. he wanted to be everybody's friend, and he just didn't have the money to do that. >> did he set out to fix his money? issues with deadly violence. as investigators se