he's 22-year-old jason dotson. and this video was used in the courtroom.result of this video, all felony charges against dotson were dropped by the judge. >> that's surprising because you do see the guy in the white shirt taking a number of swings at officers. >> i'm really kind of surprised. i mean, he seemed to be fighting, clearly, with officers, and you aren't supposed to do that. >> the officers also in court suggested that dotson ended up throwing the first punches but the judge said the video proves otherwise. we are still waiting on an update on any internal investigations that may be going on within the police department. >>> luck or skill? a couple of guys out of a texas triggers event, it's a bunch of guys and gals getting together to learn a little bit more about shooting. and especially the m-107 sniper rifle. that large 35-pound rifle is meant to be used on a tripod so you can stabilize this weapon. that's ryan, one of the instructors. a bunch of people were encouraging him to shoulder the weapon. they felt he could hit a target at 1,000 yard