jason dwyer: "these numbers, they jump around quite a bit. so you've got homicides, you've got auto-thefts; you've got different types of crimes in the city. you may see a spike for a week or two, and then you may not have that type of crime for a couple weeks. it's very difficult to play the numbers game when the numbers are so low." sergeant jason dwyer says the number of homicides compared to the city's population is low. there are approximately one million people living in san jose. mark correia: "generally speaking, san jose still ranks as one of the safest cities in the united states. so with that said, then of course, most people are really concerned when they start to see these spikes in homicide rates and other things." justice studies department chair, mark correia, says the public needs to think about how crime is distributed across the city. mark correia: "most of the homicides we're seeing tend to be homicides within gangs, gang violence, and things along those lines- they tend to be isolated in certain parts of the city."" corre