a jury found that pendergrass violated "jason echevarria's constitutional rights by deliberately ignoring his pleas for help and depriving him of urgent medical care, leaving echevarria to die alone in his cell." pendergrass was sentenced to five years in prison. officers castro and lazarte have since been fired. union president norman seabrook said his officers don't have the training to deal with mentally ill inmates like jason echevarria and bradley ballard. your men are not trained-- >> seabrook: and women. no, they're not trained. >> whitaker: your men and women are not trained to deal with mental illness? >> seabrook: not at all. >> whitaker: we asked norman seabrook about the internal report showing the vast majority of excessive force cases involving mentally ill inmates. >> seabrook: at the end of the "why didn't these individuals receive their medication, so they wouldn't attack a correction officer?" if you're talking about an inmate that has a mental health problem, then certainly something set this person off. >> whitaker: seabrook says it's not just an issue of the mentally