i'm jason finch, senior vice president with new south parking. this clinic is one of the organizations that we work strongly with. we've donated transportation. we're conducting job fairs and finding paths for employment for the folks they work with. we're here to support the initiative and the important work they do in the community. thank you. >> supervisor tang: thanks so much. any other members of the public that wish to comment on item 5, please come on up. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm pat coleman. and it's no coincidence that i'm related to dr. coleman. and i'm here in support of the landmark designation for the building at 6301 3rd street. in the last '40s, my father left in the east coast because he heard that there was a need for a physician in a small town in georgia. unfamiliar with the customs, he went to the gas station and neglected to call a young teenage whipper-snapper sir, he was a captain in the air force and medical doctor, and he received a punch in the nose. at that point, he said, i'm headed to california, to serve t