. >> jason fried, lafco staff. we will yield to sfpuc to present on this item. >> i am with the san francisco public utilities commission. i wanted to update you on the status of the resource plan. san francisco adopted a resource plan by the board of supervisors, and they laid out a very broad goals that would close the poewwer plant. today should be the last day of operation. as the plan was originally written, the board of supervisors urged us to update the plan. the sfpuc is part of updating this plan. they will see if it is feasible. in response to guidance, they have taken a number of actions. first in updating the resources plan, we of a guidance -- update guidance from lafco. the rocky mountain institute author of the resource plan -- authored the resource plan. we help vett and review the plan. it is our goal to take the updated resource plan before the commission of its endorsement. it proposes three broad strategies. i will briefly describe each of these strategies. they sort of recognize some of the con