. >> jason fried, lafco staff, i know many of you want at some point to go see a giant's game so i'll make this quick. next month we are approving a potential schedule for the 2015 calendar. we have the traditional dates we've met on for the past few years and i'm looking at having that same calendar be moved again. if for some reason anyone wishes to try to change this, let me know within the next week or two so i can check around with everybody else and see if there's a better time that can work. otherwise i will present a similar calendar to this year's calendar for the 2015 calendar for meeting and that's all i have to report at this time. >> okay, commissioners, any comment? okay, i'm going to open this up for public comment, are there any member s of the public who would like to make public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. okay, can you please call the next item? >> item 6, public comment. >> okay, now is the time for general public comment. are there any member s of the public who have general public comment at this time, please step forward. >> good afternoon, o