we brought on the second team member, jason hemerly we began the project with our goal, and i call it the bag, which is a big audasious goal and the goal was to create the first stop for everything business in san francisco and a comprehensive business portal that supports businesses in san francisco, from their inception through their growth. and we are helping our entrepreneurs during their entire life cycle of their business. we had a really good opportunity here because we wanted to create a compelling customer experience across city departments. to really demonstrate that san francisco is a business-friendly place and that we really care about the success of our business owners in the city. the business portal is the first important step in that direction. and we conducted our user experience of user interface research, we were able to conduct primary and secondary research. and so the research, we visited our interviewees, and we interviewed people and had work sessions with the city department and members of the small business community and we investigated what information cons