thousands of dollars flowing from pg&e's checkbook to axiom advisors, the lobbying firm owned by jason kinneyame shows up on the firm's billable hours, working for some of pg&e's biggest unsecured creditors. under services rendered on the bill, the first things you see are the passage of a.b.1054, the law that created a state safety certificate for pg&e and the approval by governor newsom of pg&e's bankruptcy plan. axiom reported working with the governor's office to see all of it through. pg&e's bankruptcy delivered for kinney's clients. the plan paid them cash. plus interest. but not everyone pg&e owed money to had a seat at this table. >> this is my living room. and my tv. and this is where i prepare my food. reporter: in the town of par dice, lawrence graham lives in a trailer now. because pg&e burned his house down. >> they're helping each other get ahead. and stepping on us to get there. reporter: the campfire was a crime with tens of thousands of victims. pg&e owes them restitution. >> all care -- all they care about is their bottom line. i understand business is business. but this is