while independent journalist jason miko thinks ireland, despite not being part of nato, is under pressure to follow the west perspective on the conflict on a line with key if an opinion by the, the president's wife and sabina higgins of this nature, asking for peace, asking for negotiations is really stepping out of line with benito narrative, where peace and negotiations are there not to be entertained at all. this is a proxy war, but has to be prosecuted to the better end, regardless of the number of deaths involved. we have to bear in mind the ireland is non aligned, it's not nate to member, it's neutral by its constitution. but there is a great deal of political pressure in island for some kind of alignment with nato at this time. and that is growing, but it's not supported by public opinion. it was also quite shocking. the reaction from the, the political and the media establishment, an island which would certainly draw a picture of it being almost an act of treason or sedition. or for anyone in public life to ask for a cease fire and peace and michael de higgins and his wife are ver