we're joined by two state representatives, republican jason nelson is co-author of bill to repeal the standards. democrat emily virgin is opposed to such repeal. representative nelson, why is something that looked good in 2010 no long interest right way to go? >> well, what i think most legislators in oklahoma have looked for in 2010 was higher standards. i think a lot of states struggle with setting high standards and maintaining them, not watering them down over time, and i think the hope in 2010 was that common core would do that for us and, as it turns out, the fordham institute looked at and compared the state's standards against common core and we found out we didn't gain anything but did seek control to an outside entity. so the bill says the state has to maintain a control over its standards, that we're seeking now, but we include higher ed in developing new standards, so the public and legislators voting on the bill have confidence the standards will be higher than what we've had in the past. >> brown: representative virgin, you still countr suppore common core as voted in ea