alex in ormond beach alex : villarreal, wesh 2 news. jason just in. : a man has been ordered to spend five years in prison and five years on probation after the sentence is part of a plea deal christopher todd entered battery charge. in february 2015, todd got into an argument with four horseback riders in orange city. the riders were mad at todd because he was driving recklessly near their horses. deputies say todd revved his engine, turning up dirt, and intentionally drove his truck at the group. the horse was killed, a rider was thrown from the horse and broke her collar bone. the teenager, charged with trying to run over an orange county deputy, appeared in adult court this morning. charges on 15-year-old jancarlos ortiz earlier this week. today, the judge ordered him held without bond on a count of attempted murder. investigators say ortiz tried to run over deputy marcy pearce outside a home on high street in february. new information this noon. michelle for the first time we : are hearing from the fire breather who burst into flames at