we are back with dan heninger, jason riley and kyle peterson. let's look at the data first. how much support is harris losing among black voters out there that you see? >> typically democrats went around 85%, 95% under obama, over 90%. paris in the mid-70, this is dangerous territory for democrats. not just nationally a problem. in georgia blacks cast 30%, around 20%. around 12% and 13%, pennsylvania% and 13%, pennsylvania around 10%. those are close states. just losing a little bit of this black vote could cost the democrats. paul: to what do you describe this shift? >> quite simply blacks were doing better economically under trump than they have been doing under biden. the facts, whether you are talking about employment, whether you are talking about wages, they had more money in their pockets, more employment opportunities and they remembers that. it wasn't that long ago. biden's record cannot compete with trump's record when it comes to these matters. offering giveaways like subsidies, i will let kamala harris on a secret. we are doing well on the cannabis industry witho