so i want to thank heidi shomaradi, roger matter, jason woline, gus maples, daphne hague, nathan robinson, christina monroe, jordan stone and mike clark on the subcommittee staff. i also want to give special thanks to the floor staff and the cloakroom staffs who worked so hard. without the help of laura dove and her team and the team on the democratic side, we could not be where we are today. they did a lot of the vetting that needed to be done on various amendments. they helped us in the negotiations and the compromises that ultimately were included in this bill. i would note that our transportation-h.u.d. portion of this bill recognizes fiscal reality while making critical investments into our crumbling infrastructure and the economic development projects. it meets our responsibility to vulnerable populations. i think most of our colleagues are unaware that 84% of h.u.d.'s budget goes to subsidized housing. and when we fund that, we keep very vulnerable low-income families, disabled individuals, our low-income seniors from being at risk of homelessness. we also pay special attention in