jason's of the russian side of the deal. a thoughts question. there's some, i'm sorry, excuse me, a little way. tears learning from boys here. thank you. minister level, so that goes from royces and deal question. um, as you've mentioned, the secretary general sent you a fairly detailed, less up with full proposals, but asking rusher if you would agree to those and commit to resume the black say do . once those full proposals were put in place, have you formally agreed with the secretary general to move ahead with those one of one of which was connecting a subsidiary of the russian agricultural bank to swift. and on to go into a car by will russia send in more peace cape is now. thank you. unless you it should be some of the other ones that you up on. we want to do to one. so ask for the let to buy the product. there is a general sleep at leisure. well, he care tries piece of proposals, as he says you will, is the design that's not to get out. so subsections, it is on the somehow nobody and then stick to the sanctions, but at the same time to find some ways we've put new to it. but in the field you prefer to the subsidiary over so. so who's buying candle luxembourg with what