room welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser timed out to jason the german guy tetro he's the host of the order winning a super awesome science show ed curious cast he's the author of the germ code and the bestseller the germ files jason welcome back to the kaiser report it is so good to be with you again max r.-i you love germs obviously so you're the guy to go to hear what can you tell us about this corona virus out of who on china it's a rapidly changing story obviously but from what you've seen so far how bad do you think it is where is it going what are your thoughts jason honestly we are still learning a lot about this corona virus but what i can tell you is that it's kind of like sars but it's not sars it's a little bit weaker than sars and how it affects the body and as a result of that it might actually spread a little bit faster and a little bit better than sars did because basically when you had symptoms from sars you went to the hospital and sometimes you never came out of here you might still be walking with the pneumonia and be able to spread it as we're starting to s